Eco First Initiative

Climate change due to “Global Warming” is getting worse with time. Every year, we are witnessing new records being made somewhere in the world for the hottest year in history. Countries around the world are suffering from unrelenting flood, extreme snowfall, extremely hot weather, increase in strong cyclones, typhoons and storms. All these natural disasters are strong signs that our world is suffering from man-made climate change. We are just witnessing a demonstration of what to come in the future. It is high time for the human being to change its way and help the mother Earth to heal back to her glorious nurturing self. “Eco First Initiative” of Arbiter Electrotech is our way to contribute against global warming.

Arbiter Electrotech is taking its part in fighting global warming from the very beginning of its journey. We are doing as much as we can afford. It is an inevitable fact that any and all man-made technology is going to leave a negative mark on the nature. To minimize the effects and to minimize pollution to nature, Arbiter Electrotech has devised multiple provisions under the “Eco First Initiative”. These provisions are strictly enforced in our business practice and in designing of our products.

A very unfortunate truth is that most of the electronics are not recycled. Most of the discarded electronics ends up in various landfill. Along with silicon and plastic, electronic components and electronic products also contain Chromium, Lead and Palladium. Lot of electronic components contains corrosive chemicals in sealed container. In the landfill, these components along with other large variety of pollutants will pollute the soil and possibly the surrounding water.

To minimize the pollution, Arbiter Electrotech designs all its products with as small number of electronic components as possible. However, this does not mean that our designs are inefficient.

We use minimum number of components without sacrificing the efficiency or performance of the design.

Every milliWatt Matters. Yes, milliwatt. 1 milliwatt is 0.001 watt. But why are we so concerned with such a small amount of power. Let us explain with very simple math. As you know, numbers don’t lie.

For example, a device has a display with LED backlight. The backlight consumes 40mA of current when it is being operated with 5v power supply. For any device, power consumption is calculated by multiplying Voltage(V) and Current(A).

Therefore, the LED consumes

          40mA x 5V = 200 mW or 0.2 watt of power

0.2 W is a very small amount of power. However, if 1million users/clients use the device.

          0.2 x 1000000 = 250 000 watt = 250 Kilowatt

250KW is a very large number. This 250KW has to be coming from somewhere. Generally it comes from burning fossil fuel like coal or petroleum.

You can see how a very small number can have a very significant affect in large numbers. This is the reason why we want to make sure that the devices are consuming as less power as possible. All Arbiter Electrotech products are designed to consume as less power as possible without affecting the device performance, functionality or user’s experience. All sources of excess energy are removed and the devices are optimized to operate at only minimum required power.

“Use more paper” is a phrase that might shock a lot of people. The world is now collectively moving toward a no paper policy. Paper is replaced by digital screen. But, is this OK ?  

No matter how energy efficient an electronic device is, it will consume electricity. The electricity needs  to come from somewhere as energy is not free. Generally, electricity is converted from fossil fuel, which is a big contributor of global warming. When these devices are discarded, they are generally not recycled and are thrown in the landfill, which will contribute to pollution. Paper, on the other hand, is completely biodegradable. Paper can be easily recycled. Paper is made from trees, which can be farmed in a controlled environment and will not take part in deforestation.

As per the “Eco First Initiative”, packaging for our products mostly consist of paper.  The paper can be recycled or reused. By using paper, we are trying to replace plastic as much as possible. We use only a small quantity of plastic when we need to protect the products from water and dust.

As a part of the “Eco First Initiative”, Arbiter Electrotech strongly follows the 3R which is, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We also recommend that our business partners, affiliates,  users and clients will also follow the 3R. The design practice of Arbiter Electrotech makes following the 3R easy.

Reduce – It is a very common practice nowadays to throw away the defective electronic product instead of fixing it. Even if the defect is minor, most people will throw away the device and buy a new one. This way, more electronics are ending up in the landfill sites and increasing the pollution of nature. Arbiter Electrotech designs the products such a way that it is easy and inexpensive to fix. All designs consists of readily available off the shelf components. In case of any proprietary components, we are happy to cooperate with our users and clients.

Reuse – Reusing is a very effective way of reducing usage. We recommend our users to reuse the paper boxes, plastic bags and other relevant reusable materials.

Recycle – If Reduce and Reuse is not possible, the best bet is to Recycle. Recycling plastic, paper and electronics will stop them from ending up in the landfill, being incinerated or being dumped in the rivers and oceans.

Team Effort Is Required

Stopping Global Warming and pollution of nature is a team effort. Mother Earth is sick and she is getting worse. If she dies, every living thing on the planet earth will die as well. Without life, the earth is nothing but another piece of rock in the immeasurably vast universe. Life is what sets our planet earth apart from other countless number of planets on the universe. Life is what makes us so different and so unique. Only collective effort of human being can prevent the living and breathing Mother Gaia’s death and save the entire animal kingdom of the planet Earth from extinction. The earth is special. Let us keep it that way