Contact Us

Contact Us

In case anyone has any questions about Arbiter Electrotech products or services, please feel free to contact us. Please contact Arbiter Electrotech using any of the available methods listed below. We will try our best to respond to your queries within the shortest possible time.

It is possible that the answer to your question is already presented on the FAQ section. In any case, we are always here for your service. Kindly allow us at least 1 (one) business day to reach back to you. Our working days are from Saturday to Thursday, 10AM to 5PM, GMT+6.

Notice: Due to the recent circumstances of being continuously spammed, the following types of emails & queries will be ignored.

      1. Any/all Website improvement service(s)
      2. Promotion of/for any website
      3. Service offer from any/all freelancer developer

We expect to be heard only from legitimate business and personnel who are willing to conduct mutual business with Arbiter Electrotech.

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Dhaka, Bangladesh



Send us a query if you don’t feel like writing any email or if your message is very short. We will try to get back to you within the shortest possible time. Please note that, Arbiter Electrotech may collect your message and all relevant data for future reference. The details and all relevant legal “Terms and Conditions” are presented in the Privacy Policy of Arbiter Electrotech.

By using this query mechanism, you are consenting to “Arbiter Electrotech Privacy policy” and all related legal T&C. Please be at ease by knowing that our visitors’ data are not sold or distributed to any third party.

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